General Guidelines and Policies for Club Charters

  1. Every chapter must renew their PHiP charter each January.
  2. DUES – Base 2019 yearly dues are $75.00 if application is dated by 3/31/2019, $56.25 if dated by 6/30/2019, $37.50 if dated by 9/30/2019 and $18.75 if dated 10/1/2019 or later. There is a $1.00 surcharge per member for all members over 75 and will be prorated according to the schedule above. For International clubs, please note that these monies must be paid in U.S. dollars. Beginning in 2022, club dues will be paid to PHiP, Inc. at a flat rate of $2.00 per member.
  3. All chapter dues checks are made out to: Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. and mailed to the Director of Membership (email:
  4. The penalty for delinquent filing of the Renewal Application & corresponding paperwork is a monetary penalty as provided for in the PHiP By-Laws.
  5. Every chapter must file an Interim Report each year during the month of July.
  6. The penalty for delinquent filing of the Interim Report shall be a fine of $100, payable to the Lone Palm Foundation Parrot Head Emergency Phund.
  7. Multiple memberships are permitted, however, an individual may not hold a Board/Officer position in more than one chapter at any given time. (Not applicable to the Virtual PHC)
  8. Applications from an individual or group of individuals wishing to start a new club who are farther than 30 miles distance from an existing, active PHiP club may submit an application for consideration. However, said group must have a minimum of 10 prospective members, including 2 club officers, listed by name and address at time of application to PHiP. Of these 10 prospective members, a minimum of 50% must reside within the projected Area of Operation of the potential new chapter.
  9. To ensure that local chapters remain local, all Officers, Board Members and/or Executive Committee Members must maintain residence and physically reside within the Area of Operation of the chapter in which they serve. (Not applicable to the Virtual PHC)
  10. All newly sanctioned chapters will serve a provisional period of one year, during which time either party may terminate the relationship with prejudice.
  11. All newly sanctioned chapters must establish an operational website within 90 days of sanctioning.
  12. All established chapters must have an operational website as a condition of renewal.
  13. All chapters must have at least one Club Officer subscribed to the Club Leaders List at all times.
  14. To maintain sanctioning, a Parrot Head Club must maintain a minimum of ten (10) members in
    good standing.
  15. Active chapters may have their information posted to the Founders page on the PHiP website any time after their first (1st) anniversary via written request from the current Club Leader to the PHiP Director of Membership.
  16. Club Merchandise is to be sold to PHIP PHC members only and not to the General Public. Do not advertise it on your website. Jimmy Buffett’s name, his song titles, lyrics, names of businesses, and the term “Parrot Head” are all registered trademarks and should not be used for the pursuit of profit. Clubs are allowed to use the term “Parrot Head” on t-shirts, etc., but NOT Jimmy
    Buffett’s name.
  17. For renewing clubs, please include your club’s member roster as of Jan. 1 (with addresses if possible), and a listing of all charitable activities with a contact(s) name(s) from the previous year, your inception date/year, and current contact information including a phone number,
    email address (if one is available), and club website.

General Information

  1. In the common event that chapters overlap in Area Of Operations, it is expected that the clubs involved will resolve any territorial differences that may arise, using both common sense and common courtesy. Should said chapters be unable to reach an equitable agreement, the Board reserves the right to settle said dispute with a decision that is both binding and final.
  2. In the event of an existing operating agreement, entered into prior to May 1, 2004, said agreement shall be held valid and continue in effect under the proverbial “grandfather” clause.
  3. Any chapter may hold social functions at a Buffett-owned establishment, including, Margaritaville, Cheeseburger In Paradise, and Lulu’s, provided that the “home” chapter be advised of same prior to the date of the function and, preferably, invited to attend said function, if it is to be an open event.
  4. No chapter may approach the management of any Buffett-owned establishment seeking sponsorship, donations, etc., except the “home” chapter.
  5. Parties, functions, fundraisers, events, etc. that are held in conjunction with JB concerts are exempt from territorial/boundary restrictions. While the Board recognizes that it cannot require clubs to collaborate on such efforts, it is our sincere hope that wisdom and common courtesy will prevail, petty differences will be put aside and, in the Spirit of the Great Heart, joint jubilation will abound.
  6. Parties, functions, fundraisers, events, etc. may be held by any sanctioned chapter in conjunction with Meeting of the Minds. Recognizing, however, sponsorship investment in sanctioned PHiP events, the Board cannot, in good conscience, recognize, support or promote any such functions held in direct conflict with any PHiP sanctioned MOTM event.
  7. Because it creates confusion and hardship on both the local merchants and the local Parrot Head Club, PHiP chapters may not approach any local retail establishment in the MOTM Host City for the purpose of soliciting donations, sponsorships, favors, handouts or charity before, during or after Meeting of the Minds. Exceptions to this policy are limited to: a)the local PHC and b) an authorized PHiP representative for MOTM purposes.
  8. Regional Phlockings may be held at virtually any destination, provided that the “home” chapter be given the opportunity to participate in the planning and staging of said event. A Regional Phlocking is hereby defined as a multi-day event, planned, organized, supported and staged by two or more sanctioned chapters. In this context, the term “regional” refers to a geographic area, as opposed to a PHiP established region. Accordingly, chapters banding together to plan, organize, support and stage a “Regional Phlocking” need not be domiciled in the same PHiP established “region.”