Beaches A1A Parrot Head Club History…Who We Are!
The Beaches A1A Parrot Head Club started back in 1996 with a handful of Jimmy Buffett fans looking to enjoy each other’s company and tropical music. We started meeting at various establishments and restaurants in the Beaches area and occasionally having live music played by local musicians. The Club began to grow more interest from people around Jacksonville. As time went on, Beaches A1A PHC began to be a major force at the beach and beyond. After 24 years we continue to be prominent in the Beaches area with many fun-filled events throughout the year and still maintaining several Charter members of our Club. We have monthly Phlockings with live music that bring members together to build the bond between members that have made us ONE Big Family of Birds. During these Phlockings there is also a 50/50 raffle to benefit Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry as well as a clothing and toiletry drive at Christmas.
Beaches A1A PHC has strived to be good stewards to our members, our community and as positive representatives of the national organization PHIP. Our long-standing objective has been to “Party with a Purpose”. The leadership and members of our Club, through the years, have been consistent in providing not only many volunteer hours but did it always with a smile and positive attitude! This approach has inspired others to step forward to participate and accept various leadership positions in our own Club as well as in the PHIP leadership also. We have also had members that have been fundamental in maintaining Team Parrot Head for the Zonta Walk at MOTM.
Our Charities
One of the highlights that we’ve enjoyed for many years is our Annual Beach Bash (the original Beaach Bash, some choose to imitate but will never duplicate). Over the years, this has transformed into a 4-day event with live music, fun at the beach and volleyball tournament. As we Parrotheads have formed more feathers and maybe some gray ones, the volleyball tournament has taken on a new look. It has been beach chair volleyball and this past year moved into the pool and has been combined with some games on the pool deck making memories and unlimited Phun! The recipient of this event is the Alzheimer’s Association of NE Florida. We have been supporting them for many years and strive to continue to better our donations each year. This disease has touched many of our hearts thru the lives of family and friends. Last year we were the #1 donor in our region and recognized by PHIP as the Top Donor for PHIP to the Alzheimer’s Association. Our prediction and goal for this year is over $20,000.00!! Our hearts are extremely proud of these accomplishments and thank all who assisted in achieving the goals as well as the participants at the Beach Bash!
This year, the event was held in June at the Guy Harvey Outpost Resort in St. Augustine over Father’s Day weekend. I cannot express how wonderful the venue is and our music lineup was superb. Over 270 participants danced and partied from sun up to sun down, all while raising donations for the cause. We were serenaded by so many talented groups and musicians. Everyone had a great time! The 24th Annual Beach Bash will once again be at the Guy Harvey Resort from June 18-21, 2020. The lineup includes our own Club member, Jimmy Parrish and the Waves, Donny Brewer and the Dock Rockers, Jerry Diaz and Hanna’s Reef, the Detentions, Erica Sunshine Lee, Jonas Lorence, Highway 1 and Bill Cockrell. Come join us for a little time away and make new memories that last forever all while ‘Partying with a Purpose”. Registration is now open for the event as well as hotel reservations. All information is on the A1A PHC website.
Our second large event is the NON-K Fundraiser. This is a run, walk crawl event from one establishment to another VERY close establishment to raise monies for “Dreams Come True” a First Coast locally based nonprofit organization dedicated to fulfilling the dreams of local children battling life-threatening illnesses. We have been able to meet the families that are on the receiving end of our donations and I have to say it was an emotional experience for those participating.
During the year, we also participate in and raise donations for Relay for Life and Moose Heart. This coming December, we have been invited to sponsor a holiday tree for the local Ronald McDonald House Charities of Jacksonville.
What else do we do for the community?
For many years, we have had several members participate in the Sea Turtle Patrol. This is very early morning walks along the beaches to identify and help monitor and patrol the nests on our shores. The efforts have been extremely successful in preserving our Sea Turtles.
Beaches A1A PHC has participated in the Opening of the Beaches Parade and our floats have been award winning. It is great fun and a wonderful way to bring awareness to our Club and to our ongoing charities.
Club Website and Facebook page
Want to learn more about (or join!) Beach A1A Parrot Head Club: Go to our Facebook page or our website:
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