New Club Application Policy
Policies For Application For A New Club Chapter
1. All individuals requesting a new club packet are required to submit an email to to receive a new club packet and application form via email.
2. Under no circumstances will an application for a new affiliate club be accepted or considered if the proposed club is within 25 miles of an existing and active charter.
3. Applications from an individual, group of individuals or organization desiring to start a new affiliate club at a location more than 50 miles distance from an existing affiliate Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. club may submit an application for charter membership, however the applicant(s) must have a minimum of 10 perspective members, including 2 club officers, listed by name and address at the time of application to Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. Of these 10 prospective members, a minimum of 50% must reside within the projected Area of Operation of the potential new chapter.
4. Applications from an individual, group of individuals or organization desiring to affiliate a new club within 25-50 miles of an existing and active affiliated club will only be accepted or considered if the following criteria are met:
1. A petition is signed by a minimum of 30 perspective members of this new club. The signers must indicate their full name and home address and a minimum of two (2) officers must be named at the time of application. Of these 30 prospective members, a minimum of 50% must reside within the projected Area of Operation of the potential new chapter.
2. Documentation is submitted establishing good faith attempt by the perspective club to contact and join with the membership of the existing affiliated club, and the affiliate rebuffed the attempt(s).
3. A true and legitimate hardship can be proved by the perspective club showing cause why it is not feasible for the applicant(s) to join the affiliate club.
Additional policies:
1. A non-refundable $25.00 application fee in US dollars, must accompany all applications. This $25.00 will be applied to membership if the application is accepted.
2. All sanctioned PHiP chapters have a policy of open membership. A charter will not be granted to any group whose membership is deemed to be restrictive or limited to any particular segment of the population, ie: fraternities, alumni groups, local government agencies, etc.
3. All Parrot Head Clubs must be independent and not tied to, formed, organized, governed, managed or supported by any commercial enterprise.
4. Any individual, group of individuals or organization denied a charter are prohibited from submitting a new application for a period of one year unless significant relevant circumstances have changed (e.g. non renewal of an existing club, relocation of applicant, etc.)
5. When requested by the Director of Membership, an affiliated club must identify what it considers it’s “geographic center of activity”, which will then be used to determine if an applying individual will be granted a club charter. This “geographic center of activity” will remain on file with the Director of Membership, and may be changed by the club once per year at the time of club renewal. This “geographic center of activity”, NOT the club’s mailing address, will be what is used to calculate mileage distance. The “geographic center of activity” should be the area where the majority of club events were held for the previous 12 months.
6. Applications from “Internet based” clubs, organizations, etc. will not be considered or accepted.
7. Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. will use “GOOGLE MAPS”, or a successor designated by the Executive Committee, for the purpose of calculating mileage distance between clubs.
8. The Director of Membership for Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. will contact all affiliate clubs within the applicant’s state, and in specific cases bordering states, for the purpose of determining conflicts that may not be evident by using GOOGLE MAPS, or it’s successor, alone.
9. The Director of Membership for Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. will investigate all new club applications as to the conformity to the above policies before bringing the results to the entire Board of Directors for their vote, which will be considered final.
10. DUES – Base 2019 yearly dues are $75.00 if application is dated by 3/31/2019, $56.25 if dated by 6/30/2019, $37.50 if dated by 9/30/2019 and $18.75 if dated 10/1/2019 or later. There is a $1.00 surcharge per member for all members over 75 and will be prorated according to the schedule above. For International clubs, please note that these moneys must be paid in U.S. dollars